Sunday, February 21, 2010

Quilt Fail

Blah, I tried to make a baby quilt, but it was a bit of a failure. Everything is off (Although the only reason it looks lumpy in the picture is because I haven't straightened out the batting).


Friday, February 19, 2010

Crochet Fail

Apparently I should have stuck to crocheting scarves for a little while. I had hat failure.

I took a stab at making the Lush Angora Crochet Cap (sans the angora, which makes me itch). Things didn't start off well when I realized I didn't have the right size crochet hook (needed a 5.5 mm, had a 6mm), but I kept on trucking. And this was the result:


Don't know that I mentioned it before, but I dyed my hair darker. The hat was a bit of a disaster, the stitch pattern is all fudged up. The color doesn't help; I feel like Kermit the Frog.

And because the first picture was a bit mean looking:


Still haven't decided between the Kindle and Nook. Although I appreciate your votes. Kindle is currently in the lead.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kindle vs. Nook

First, thanks to Carolyn and Phil for your comments. I am still torn between the Kindle and Nook.

Some of the important (for me) pros and cons I have noticed for each include:

Nook (Pros)
Replaceable battery
SD card
Screen (Reading is more comparable to book page)

Nook (Cons)
No Barnes and Noble remotely nearby
Software is still bit slow and buggy

Kindle (Pros)
Book selection
Software more stable
Ability to re-download deleted books

Kindle (Cons)
No memory expansion
No replaceable battery

I am going to give a poll a shot. My primary hangups right now are between the battery and the software. Although I do want to retain that book "feel" when reading, which the Nook seems to offer, I haven't really seen either to know. So, opinions please!

Nook or Kindle?
Kindle free polls

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Kindle vs. Nook and a baby

Well, obviously I am not a very good blogger. My update rate is about every month or two. Meh.

By means of update, I have knitted a few things since I last posted:

Some booties with leftover yarn (Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks that Rock Mediumweight in Green Eyed Monster) from my Baby Surprise Jacket.


Bird in Hand Mittens (unblocked), Wool of the Andes for Elizabeth:


Scrunchable Scarf for me in Malabrigo Worsted in Polar Morn


There have been a few tense moments in the family recently, mostly because of an early arrival:


That is my new nephew, Mason. His mother went into labor seven weeks early. The nice people at the hospital were able to hold off delivery for two weeks while his lungs developed and he gained some weight. He is a tiny little fellow and has been in the NICU for about a week and a half now. He is steadily improving.

Okay, so part of the reason I am posting, besides showing off my new nephew, is to get some feedback. I am considering buying an e-reader. My book collection has reached the point that for every book I bring in, I have to take one out. And I don't like doing that. I like to re-read my books. I have looked at some reviews, and it looks like Amazon's Kindle and Barnes and Noble's Nook are the two best readers out there. Kindle's software runs smoother than Nook, which can be a bit sluggish. Nook, however, supports ePub files (Google has several thousand classics available in ePub format).

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Also, apologies for all of the security stuff with the comments. I had to adjust the settings because I kept getting viagra spam.