My sinus infection has evolved since I last posted. I have bronchitis now, but I suppose it could be worse. I got a chance to finish my Springtime Bandit shawl.
I blocked the heck out of it, but it doesn't look like it in the picture.
Pattern: Springtime Bandit by Kate Osborn
Needle: US 9 (5.5mm)
Yarn: Malabrigo Merino Worsted in Polar Morn (2 skeins--I did an extra body repeat, and had a bit of yarn left over)
Many thanks to Scott for the birthday wishes. I had a better birthday than I deserved, really. Last Saturday, a friend surprised me when we met for lunch with a surprise birthday celebration. She decorated at the restaurant, brought a cake, and had the people sing to me. It was pretty awesome. That evening I shared another b-day celebration with my brother (his birthday was on Sunday). The best thing about these kind of celebrations (and one of the reasons I love Christmas), is giving a gift to someone else. I think my brother liked his gift (books).
I ordered a Kindle 2 for myself after taking all of the comments and votes into consideration. Although the Nook did really appeal to me, I wanted something that had been through enough releases that most of the bugs would be worked out. I appreciate all of your recommendations.
My thoughts on the Kindle--although I miss flipping through pages, and that wonderful book smell...this thing is just cool. Thinking, oh, I would like to buy that book, then finding it on Amazon, buying it, and SHAZAM, there it is instantly. While I was sick, I read several books because I just did not feel like knitting. I am trying to get some work done now, so I had to put the Kindle down.
Next planned projects: Sheldon, the Brandywine Shawl [Ravelry Link], and another Baby Surprise Jacket [Ravelry Link]